Why Sponsor Us
FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) is the highest level of the FIRST competitions. Teams of students not only design, build, and program a robot that has to operate as part of a team of robots to achieve game goals in a competition, but they also have to raise funds for the team, design a team brand, write a business plan for ongoing team operations, maintain an online presence, manage team activities year around, and more. Far beyond just the technical challenge of the robot, FRC brings students as close to “real world” engineering as a high school student can get. We are also a 501C3 school, meaning we are nonprofit.
Benefits of Becoming a Sponsor
Sponsoring a FIRST Robotics team can benefit a company in a number of ways: The Sponsor’s company logo is displayed in front of thousands of students (future customers) and their parents and mentors (current customers!) as a company that cares about students and our future. The Sponsor increases awareness of its company among high school and college students who may be a good prospect for internships and even as future employees. The Sponsor also improves the lives and futures of students on the team with support that can enable access to better tools and materials, more mentors, and resources for more students to be involved in finding their gifts and talents through the FIRST Robotics program.
Sponsorship Levels
Titanium Bits
$3,663 and above
Acknowledgment in press releases. Your logo on the robot, sponsor banner, team shirts, and CPR website with a link to your website.
Diamond Blade
$5000 and above
Robot demonstration at your company or volunteer event and acknowledgment in press releases. Your logo on the robot, sponsor banner, team shirts, and CPR website with a link to your website.
Chrome Sprockets
$1,000 and above
Your logo on team shirts, sponsor banner at competitions, and CPR website with a link to your website.
Silver Solder
$2,000 and above
Your logo on the robot, sponsor banner, team shirts, and CPR website with a link to your website.
Brass Fittings
$100 and above
Your logo on the CPR website with a link to your website.
Copper Tubing
$500 and above
Your logo on the sponsor banner at competitions and CPR website with a link to your website.